We are pleased to announce that Circle Compost LLC now has a new part owner: our Chief Sustainability Officer, Sam Holloschutz.
Sam joined our team in November of 2016, only five months after we started the business, and three months after we made our first food waste pickup from our first customer. He had reached out to us the previous month after reading an article about us on Green Philly Blog, asking whether we were hiring. We hit it off from the start and created a role for him right away.
Since that time, our business has grown from servicing less than fifty customers to more than five hundred, and Sam has been a big part of that growth.
He’s biked thousands of miles doing residential pickup routes from south Philly to Brewerytown and in his home neighborhood of Fairmount, where he serves as Neighborhood Improvement Committee Chair for the Fairmount Civic Association.
He’s picked up tens of thousands of pounds of organic waste materials from residents (by bike) and restaurants / businesses (mostly by truck) and delivered it to our compost piles and partnered composting sites.
He’s turned our compost piles by hand, picked out contamination, and helped create high quality compost for our urban farm and garden partners around Philadelphia.
He stood on stage as we accepted the 2018 SustainPHL award for Impact Business Leader.
The best part: we’re nearly three years into working together, and we’re just getting started.
Cheers to Sam for the amazing work he’s done so far to make our beloved City of Brotherly Love a greener place, and to all of the good work that lies ahead for our team with him on board as a co-owner of our business.
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