- If you cannot put your bucket out to be emptied in a given week, please please please do your best to let us know no later than noon THE DAY BEFORE your scheduled pickup! It’s very helpful for us to know in advance if you do not need a pickup because if we are not informed, we will expend time and energy to come to your location expecting to empty your bucket, only to be disappointed. Imagine how we feel when it’s 98 degrees or 10 degrees outside and we bike or drive to your location, only to find that your bucket is not there? This makes us sad! Whereas if you send us an email in advance to let us know you do not need a pickup, we are so thankful!
- If we miss your bucket or you forget to put it out, please send us an email! If we don’t hear from you, we will assume you are okay to wait until your next scheduled pickup day for us to empty your bucket. If we do hear from you, we can usually offer an alternative pickup prior to your next scheduled pickup.
- When we launched our food scrap pickup services, we only picked up by bike. Today we have bike routes and motor vehicle routes. Though we always prefer to do our bike routes by bike, sometimes we have to do them by motor vehicle. This may be due to inclement weather or other logistical reasons. We put safety first! When we use a motor vehicle, we take pains to be as efficient as possible, including use of route optimization software for which our company pays a monthly fee.
- If you need to miss one month or more of service, please let us know and we can suspend billing. We can start again when you are ready!
- We provide one free bucket when you sign up for paid service or a free trial. If that bucket “disappears,” we can usually offer a used, but cleaned and sanitized replacement for free. If you prefer a brand new bucket as your replacement, we charge for those (at cost).
- You can cancel your service anytime. When you notify us that you have canceled your service, we will take the bucket back from you on your last pickup date, or we may be able to arrange an alternative time to pick it up. If you are not able to give us back the bucket or prefer to keep it, we reserve the right to charge you a one time cost to cover the bucket, lid, and sticker. If you paid for a year of service in advance, but cancel during that year, you will receive a pro rata refund for full months you’ve already prepaid.